Just Ask Santa

A Special Collection of Letters to Santa
Bruce Mcguy

Cover illustrations by Ann Petersen
Copyright © 2001 by Bruce McGuy – all rights reserved
First edition published by Home Run Publishing Company
ISBN : 0-9642311-3-1

This book is dedicated to the Memory of Donald Alldredge

He was more of a father to me, more than a friend could ever be.

He instilled in me love, understanding and compassion.

He taught me to “Just Ask”, for there are no dumb questions.

He was a teacher by career, a mentor by nature, 

and the grandfather to two of my children. 

He was a man who will always be special to me. 

About the Author and His Life

Bruce McGuy is a contractor and author of four very successful Christmas books entitled Even Santa Cries SometimesEven Santa Laughs SometimesWhat Color is Santa?, and Just Ask Santa. Bruce was born and raised in Fresno, California, where he attended Carroll Baird Elementary School, Tenaya Junior High and Bullard High School.

In the summer before his senior year, Bruce packed his suitcase and boarded a Greyhound bus for Sunnyvale, California. Here, for $100.00 a month, he rented the laundry room in back of a triplex from the hours of 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. each night. This is what Bruce called home, sleeping on a cot next to the water heater, washers and dryers at night and attending Fremont High School by day.

Bruce was always working two or three part-time jobs, all the while saving for a place of his own and dreaming of better times to come in his life.

While residing in the laundry room and going to school, Bruce fell in love with his high school sweetheart. A few years later they married and had two children, Christopher and Jennifer. Life was good for Bruce. He found love in his wife and a mentor in his father-in-law, whom he came to love and respect as his own father.

Bruce, having survived a troubled childhood as he did, felt that he was on his way to the top of the world. He had a wife that he cherished, two children, the best in-laws in the world, and his dreams. He knew that with hard work he could do and be anything that he set his mind to. His father-in-law instilled this in him.

As in all things, what we have does not always stay. What we want and what we get are often two different things. Bruce’s first marriage ended in divorce, but that was not the end. A few years earlier, while still married to his first wife, Bruce had a dream. He was driving down a freeway when he came to a hospital. He parked at the side entrance and a beautiful nurse got into his car. The two of them drove to a house that was on a corner lot where there were several children playing in the yard.

Well, life sometimes twists and turns, and a few years later Bruce was on a camping trip with his children. After pitching his tent, he noticed a beautiful woman in the campsite across the way, with two little girls about the same ages as his children. Bruce made it a point to get to know this woman and her children, and, when he learned that she too was divorced, he asked her for a date.

Bruce and Joanne married three years later. It turns out that Joanne was a Registered Nurse at a local hospital, which happened to be right next to the freeway in Bruce’s dream. Joanne also owned a house on a corner lot and the front yard was soon filled with children, just as Bruce had seen in his dream.

All of them are living the life that Bruce always knew was possible. How did he know that such a wonderful life existed? He just asked. He “just asked” those who had already found what he was looking for. He “just asked” those who had lived through a difficult childhood and turned their lives around. He “just asked” God for forgiveness and healing. And he “just asked” Santa to give him the gift of childhood wonderment within his heart forever.

Bruce uses all of his life experiences, from childhood through adulthood, including those from playing Santa Claus, to help children whenever he can. He answers all of the letters he receives addressed to Santa Claus from children all over the world. If you were to ask Bruce if he is done dreaming, he would surely tell you “no”.

Bruce is currently working on a script for a movie entitled “Christmas in Hopesville”. It will be a truly wonderful family movie. Bruce is actively looking for funding for his next dream.

All proceeds from the sale of this book and Even Santa Cries SometimesEven Santa Laughs Sometimes, and What Color is Santa? are used to make children’s dreams come true.

Bruce really found the American Dream and so can you. JUST ASK!


Just Ask Santa is a book filled with questions about life, love, happiness and sadness from the writings of children who dare to pose their questions and share their feelings in letters to Santa Claus. Santa Claus, the one person whom many children feel has the insight to answer their special questions honestly. As you read these letters to Santa and his responses to them, know that each letter is written from the heart and mind of a child. Most of the letters I receive are simple letters that ask for the basic toys of Christmas. The letters in Just Ask Santa are letters in which a child has taken the time to reach out with a special question, looking for the answer to a problem or worrying about something they need to share.

Just Ask Santa

“Hey, Santa! You got a buck for me?” asked a young child. Looking at the young man of about 9 years of age, I responded. “Whatever happened to the use of the word ‘please’?” “No one says ‘please’.” replied the young man. “No one’s getting a buck, either.” I replied.

“You got lots of money at the North Pole, Santa?” asked a 10 year-old girl.

“No,” I replied. “Why do you ask?”

“‘Cause if you did, you could adopt me.” she said.

“Don’t you have a mother?” I asked. 

“Ya, but she don’t have no money.” she replied.

“How much will it cost me to keep you two together?” I asked.

“Twenty dollars.” she replied.

It was late one night in front of my house, and, once again, I was Santa. All dressed up from my head to my toes in my red suit and black boots. It was a good year, so I needed not any extra padding. The children were all standing around me with smiles on their faces, waiting to have their turn with Santa. As each child sat upon my knee, they had a list of all the things that they felt they needed to survive the coming year. One child had a list of 117 toys that night. We went over each one of them as he explained its uses and why he needed it. My leg had fallen asleep hours before, and now my brain was doing the same. As he finished up the last of his list, he gave me a big hug and wished me a Very Merry Christmas, and then he and his mother got into their $100,000 car and drove away. “Merry Christmas”, I yelled as I stood up to get the circulation back into my legs again, and waved goodbye to them as they pulled out of sight.

Later that night, as the last child was getting off my knee and everyone was leaving, a young man of about 12 years old was waiting to be seen. As I looked over at him, he looked away. “Can I help you?” I asked him. “No.” he replied. So I got up and went into the house to change into some drier clothes. It get really hot in my red suit. Wondering what this child might have wanted made me look out the window to see if he was still around. I watched him moving back and forth behind one of my cars, and of course my mind thinks the worst; he’s keying my car with scratches. As I considered going down to meet with him, he walked up to “SANTA’S MAILBOX” and dropped something in and walked away. I finished changing and went downstairs and out the door. I asked myself, “Do I really want to think the worst of someone I do not even know and go look at the car, or do I get the mail addressed to Santa and bring it into the house for responses.?” I picked up the mail and came back inside. This night, there were 70 letters addressed to Santa. It was not hard to find his letter; it was on top of the pile.

I picked it up. It read:

Dear Santa,

I do not know if you are real or not. Or if there really is a Santa Claus. I need a bike. My mom and dad are busted. No money. Dad got hurt last year and is not working. If I had a bike I could get to work. A man at a gas station will give me a clean-up job after school if I can get there right after school. It’s too far to walk in time and the buses only run every hour. Please help me.


90032 Pine Way Drive.

David got his bike. It’s no $100,000 bike or 117 toys, or paying him to stay with his mom. It is the greatest gift of all. It is a chance for David. I am sure that David will need more help along the way as he gets older. I pray that someone else will be there for him in his times of need. And someday, when David makes it, David will remember all of us along the way that believed in him and his dreams. David is the type of person that will help others along their pathways as well. Just ask Santa. Are you a Santa too? If you have read my other books, as well as this one, there is no doubt that you are a Santa. It takes special people to understand and feel for others. “Thank You!” to all of you Santas! May God bless us all and may we always help each other reach for our dreams whenever possible.

Santa Claus

Dear Santa,

Tell Rudolph hello. Tell him that I love him. Could Rudolph run faster than my dog Ruff? Ruff only has three legs since he got hit by a car. Why do cars go so fast on my street? Tell my older brothers to stop calling me names. I would like a football, bat, glove and money.

Love, Mike 

Dear Mike,

I was sorry to hear that Ruff lost a leg. I am sure that Rudolph would make sure that Ruff beat him in a race. Rudolph loves dogs. He says they are lots smarter than people are, because they know that they cannot drive and don’t try to, unlike some people. Your brothers call you names because they are afraid of you. Why, you ask? Because you are the younger one and in 60 years they will be old and you will still be younger than them. They know that when they are confined to a wheelchair, you will have the power to take them for a long walk in the rain and let them sit outside while you’re inside getting an ice cream cone. I know that you would never do do that, but they don’t. Good luck. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

My mom and dad are getting a divorce. I want them to stay together. I will miss my dad if he has to move somewhere else. I will have to move to an apartment with my mom. How can I keep them together? Love, Clara Dear Clara, In answer to your question, you can not keep them together. It is something that the two of them will have to work out. I think that we can all learn from our own mistakes and those of others. By your letter, I would guess that you are about 10 or 12 years old. You will see relationships come and go over the next few years. Try to learn from what has happened with your parents. Maybe they were too young to get married. I think one needs to experience life as a single person before making the commitment to get married. That way they have had time to find out who they are first, that comes with age. As you can read, I do not have the answer you are looking for. All I can do is wish you the very best and pray that all will work out for the best Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

Last year you brought to me my babies that I asked for. This year I want a real cat. Color white. Kitten. Mom says we do not have the money to buy one. This year I have the best teacher in the world. I live in Dallas, Texas. My teacher needs money for the classroom. Can you send her some, please? I told her you would.

Thanks, Amos

Dear Amos,

You will have to ask your mom for the cat. I do not bring live animals. Sometimes parents get them for their children and give Santa credit for it. I will do what you have asked and send your teacher $100.00 for your classroom. I am not always able to do this. I too run out of money and have to budget, but for you it is my pleasure to do so. Love, Santa

Dear Santa Claus,
I would like a phone for my present this year and some clothes. Thank you for everything last year you got me. My mom said that if I asked you really, really nice then you will say yes to the phone. So please, please, please, please, please, please, please Mr. Santa Claus.

Thanks, Becky

Dear Becky,

You sure can turn on the sweetness, Becky. I will do what I can for you. If I bring you a phone, I would like for you to do something for me. Help your mom around the house when you can. Please, please, please. Best of luck, Santa

Dear Santa,

My sisters are always fighting with me. I never start it. They hit and make fun of me. Tell them to stop or I will have to hit them again.


Dear Rocky

Somehow I get the feeling that you may do a little something to your sisters also. It is hard to believe that they do all the hitting. Maybe if you try being nice to them, they will learn from you not to hit. Best of luck. Love, Santa

Dear Santa, 

I have a poem for you.

There once was a fat man that dressed in red.
He thought he was fat and funny, but instead
He was fat and dumb.
He had a friend named Rudolph
That was big and dumb and he liked to suck his thumb.
While flying out one Christmas Eve, they both hit a Christmas Tree.
Now there are two big fat dummies embedded in a Christmas Tree.


Dear Roger,

Keep your day school. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

My teacher is not very nice to me. She is crazy, I think. She is always talking to herself and saying things like “why am I here?”. And sometimes she talks to someone named Scotty. We have no Scotty in our class. Why does she mean by “beam me up”? I would like for you to take her to a happy place at the North Pole.

Age 10

Dear Stacy,

Not to worry, your teacher is fine. It seems she has already found that happy place, thanks to all of you kids. Try to help her whenever you can and try not to make life too hard on her. I feel that she will thank all of you later when grades come out. Love, Santa 

Dear Santa,

How much food does Rudolph eat? How much money do you have? Do you like peas? What kind of food do you like to eat? Do you like Mrs. Claus? Bring me lots of stuff.

Thanks, Betty

Dear Betty,

As per your letter, Rudolph eats as much food as he can sink his teeth into, and that’s a lot. It takes a lot of energy to fly. As to how much money Santa has, you will have to ask Mrs. Claus, as she seems to get it all. I do not like peas at all, but if Mrs. Claus puts them on the dinner table, I eat them out of respect for her hard work. When Mrs. Claus is upset with Santa she seems to serve them a lot. I like sweet things to eat; sometimes I wish I were the Easter Bunny. I will do my best to bring you the kind of presents you will enjoy. Love, Santa 

Dear Santa & Bruce,

I got your three books, Even Santa Cries SometimesEven Santa Laughs Sometimes, and What Color is Santa? Why have you not got another book out? When I saw you in Sacramento at Longs drug store, you said that you had a new one coming out. That was a lot of years ago. I would like a copy if you have a new one out.

Thanks, Julie
Age 14

Dear Julie,

It has been three years since my last book. My new book was due out that Christmas, two years ago. But what happened was this: during the summer of that year, I lost a loved one, my ex-father-in-law, who was a mentor to me. Then, three months later, just before Christmas, I lost another loved one, my father. The loss of these two men, who were so close to me, put me as low as I ever thought I could get. If it were not for all of the letters from your children, Santa would never have been able to start pulling himself together again. See, it is not only kids who feel bad when they lose someone close to them. All my love, Santa 

Dear Santa Claus,

I want a baby girl that wets like my baby brother, no smell stuff though. And can you bring him a toy, too? How do you know when it is Christmas? Does you mommy tell you? 


Dear Kim,

Santa knows when it is Christmas because of all the letters I start getting from children around the world. Mrs. Claus makes sure to wake me up on Christmas Eve. Love, Santa 

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas. I hope that you are having a wonderful time at the North Pole. Last night I was spying on my mom and dad as they were wrapping presents. I was wondering if you could tell me how come they were wrapping presents. Are not you the one who brings them to us boys and girls?


Dear Rich,

Thanks for thinking of me, and writing to ask your questions. The answer to your question about your mom and dad wrapping presents is that they are giving gifts to grown ups and children that are family members. Santa does not give every present that is under the tree at Christmas. Family members, grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, they all share in the spirit of Christmas. Santa’s job is to do all I can to make sure that all children receive a Christmas present. Even I receive Christmas presents from families such as your on Christmas morning. Santa gets more than cookies and milk. Have a wonderful Christmas. Love, Santa 

Dear Santa Claus,

Hello, how are you? Me, I am OK for now. My mom and dad are divorcing. It really hurts me inside. How come they do not love each other anymore? Will they stop loving me also? I think so. What about me? I am ½ of each of them. Will I start hating myself, too? I think so. What do you think Santa?

Alissa, age 12

Dear Alissa,

I read your letter many times. I was trying to understand why you think that your parent’s divorce will make you hate yourself. No words that I have can make you feel better about what is happening in your life at this time. Santa’s only words of wisdom are as follows:

  1. Try telling your mom and dad how you feel inside about the divorce.
  2. Look to an uncle or aunt for someone to talk to about it.
  3. If you belong to a church, talk to someone there about it.
  4. When at school, talk to your teacher about it.

The idea is to find someone to talk to who understands. I have never in my lifetime found any mother or father that stopped loving their child, no matter how bad the divorce becomes. Divorcing parents get so tied up in fighting with each other that they miss the point of who they are really hurting. I wish you the very best. Look for help.

Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

My mom is writing this letter for me because I am only 8 months old at this time. I have listed what I want for Christmas below, and my Mom has listed something special that she would like and what she is thankful for. I would like:

  1. baby doll
  2. toy bear
  3. new blanket
  4. hair brush (I am getting lots of hair now)
  5. socks and shoes for small feet
  6. a bed so I have one of my own (I sleep with Mom)
  7. a few toys

Mom wants:
1. Daddy to come and see what I look like and to hold me and love me.

Mom is thankful for:
1. Her mom and dad for taking care of the two of us.

Thank you Santa Claus for being someone I can write to. And thank you again for being Santa Claus to Angel and I.

Love, Tish and Angel

(I remember holding Angel; the next night the two of them came back to visit me again, this time with a letter to Santa in hand. No return address was given. I think of the two of them often and say a prayer for their happiness.) 

Dear Santa,

I love your reindeer; I am holding one of them for ransom. I would like all the toys in the world. Bring them to the park at the corner of my house Christmas night. If you do not, we will be eating reindeer soup.
Knock, knock,
Who’s there?
Mary, who?
Mary Christmas one and all!

Signed, Matt

Dear Matt,

What is Santa going to do with you? I do like your knock,knock joke. Go ahead and eat the reindeer soup. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

I need ten dollars. I want to get a present for my Mom. We are poor. I am 10 years old. I will work to pay you back soon. I just need ten dollars before Christmas. I will work real hard when I get a job someday. Mom makes me go to school and not let me work.

Thanks, Andy

Dear Andy,

Here is your ten dollars. It is in cash for I do not think you will be able to cash a check. I will expect you to pay me back someday. In life you will find that your name is only as good as your word. It may take you a lifetime to get my ten dollars back to me, but I can wait. Your name is good with Santa. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

Is is true that if I do not eat all of my vegetables that kids will go hungry? And if I get all the toys that I ask for that other children will not get any? If so, then give all of my vegetables to the hungry and bring me only 5 toys. 1. Baseball bat, 2. Four baseballs, 3. A new glove, 4. A new Giants cap, 5. Ten million dollars.

Love, Matthew
Age 10

Dear Matthew,

Thank you for thinking of the other children that may go hungry, but don’t worry about that because we have more than enough veggies to go around. I think it was very kind of you to help out by cutting the number of gifts you asked for. What I can do is this: I can bring you numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, and I know that you will be grateful to know that I gave the ten million dollars to the rest of the children to share. Thank you for understanding and being so wonderful. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

I recently heard you on the radio from KTOM in Salinas, CA. I was very impressed with everything you had said and talked about. I am the mother of two boys, aged 13 and 2½, and I’m wondering if you could write them back a letter. I am not working and on hard times this past year. I am not proud of asking this, but could you see your way in buying my family a small Christmas tree. They have small ones for $15.00 at the store. I have been able to stay off of Welfare so far and would like to stay off. I have $482.00 left to pay bills and buy food. I just need some help until I can find someone to watch my little one. My older one is in school. When the weather gets better, I will go back to recycling cans. I already got them 2 small items each for Christmas. I am tired of hand me downs for the children (but grateful). I just would like to be able to buy something new for them for Christmas.

Sincerely, Kristin

Dear Kristin,

Your letter touched my heart. I feel that you’re a good mother working the best you can to help yourself and your kids. I have enclosed a check made out to you, plus another $40.00 for your Christmas tree. I wish for you and your children a good, if not great, life. I hope you find the path in your life that you are looking for. I am sure you will find others to aid you along your way. Wishing you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. Love, Santa 

Dear Santa,

My name is Carissa; I like bikes and dolls. Bring me a necklace and perfume for my cat, Rex. Bring me a helmet for me and my cat. My cat likes to jump off roofs and fight with big, big dogs. Bring me some long fingernails and some for my cat, Rex, the dog fighter.

Love, Carissa

Dear Carissa,

I enjoyed your letter to Santa. Rex seems to be doing a find job on his own without the added advantage of longer fingernails for fighting with big, big dogs. Sounds as if you and Rex the cat are great friends. I will do what I can to bring you something special this year. You and Rex have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

Here is my Christmas list. 1. A car for my brother because he loves them. 2. Mario if possible. 3. planet mobile and book. 4. rock collection. My name is Dean, I’m 6 years old and in the 1st grade. I love camping. Sometime would you and Rudolph like to go camping with me? You have to leave Mrs. Claus at home. No girls can come. 

Love, Dean

Dear Dean,

I received your letter and will do my best to bring you what you have asked for. I will have to skip the camping trip year. Mrs. Claus and I always go camping together. Mrs. Claus loves the great outdoors and watching Santa cook on an open fire. Camping is the greatest time for the two of us to enjoy together. Have a wonderful Christmas. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

My name is Megan. I live in Fresno. I want a new grandmother. My old grandmother died last year. She was very good. I miss her. Can you find me a new grandmother for Christmas?

Love, Megan

Dear Megan,

I was so sorry to hear that your grandmother is no longer alive. I believe that your grandmother is still with you in spirit and watching over you. I, too, have had a number of loved ones die and pass on to heaven. I do not think that you really want a new grandmother, I do not think that there is another one in this world that can match the greatness of yours. Keep her in mind and think of her often. Know that she would never want a new grandchild when she had the very best in you. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

Do you smoke, do you drink, and do you say no to drugs? 


Dear Linda,

You asked does Santa smoke. My answer is no, I do not smoke. And no, I do not drink too much, and yes, I say no to drugs. In my long lifetime I have seen more than my share of deaths due to all of the above. Stay away from all of the above and you will enjoy a much better life than those who do not. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

Why are you so old and fat and not dead? My daddy tells me that you eat ice cream all day and Mrs. Claus fights you for the leftovers.

8 years old

Dear Carrie,

I may be a little on the heavy side, but I do not feel that I am fat. Just yesterday I did my 5 push-ups for the week. I do get very busy here and don’t always take the time to do the exercises that I should do. I make it a point to try to walk to the toy shop at least twice a day whether it’s snowing or not, although sometimes I do ice-skate. Let’s see; that’s 5½ miles each way, so that’s 22 miles a day. Mrs. Claus and I do not fight over ice cream; it’s brownies get us going! I think you believe I’m very fat because of the clothes that I wear. It is very cold here at the North Pole and we wear many layers to keep warm. You might say I started a trend with you children; I was the first to wear baggy clothes. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

I would like lots of Beanie Babies for Christmas. I have more of them than any of my friends do. How come you do not sell them and make BIG money and retire?

Love, Jennifer

Dear Jennifer,

I am very happy to hear that you have cornered the market on Beanie Babies. Due to what are called Licensing laws, I am not able to make Beanie Babies at the North Pole. I know of thousands of little girls who would love to be able to afford just one. Not everyone is able to hold one and take care of it as you do. I wish I had as many as you do, that way I could give just one of them to someone who will never be able to own one. You might want to be Santa to a friend that you know. As for the money and retirement, I worry more about helping children than I do myself. Besides, a few years ago I received a letter from a retired gentleman who said that he has no children or anyone else, so he was leaving his vast fortune to me! it’s the thought that counts. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

I am writing this letter to you for my 8-year-old son Roger and myself. Each year we have written to you and you have replied. We would appreciate an answer to this question. My son feels that he should not have to make his bed and vacuum his room because I do not have the time to do the same to mine. I have a very busy schedule at work, while he has all day after school. We have agreed to let you decide who is right.

Thank you.

Roger and Mom

Dear Roger & Mom,

Roger is right as far as I am concerned, Mom. I cannot accept the fact that you are too busy to do your chores. I think that both of you should put aside an evening to help each other clean your rooms. Sometimes the buddy system works best. Who know, Mom, before you know it the two of you may be cooking or fishing together, while Roger is still young enough to want to. Work together, play together, stay together. Love, Santa

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is Robert and I am 9 years old. I want to know if you will bring me lots of toys this year. My mom says that if I don’t brush my teeth before bed you will not bring me toys. Is this so? You can tell me because I am your friend. I write to you each year.

Thanks, Robert

Dear Robert,

No, Robert, it is not true. I will have to bring you at least one more present: your new false teeth. Robert, if you do not brush your teeth they will decay from the sugars and other food that gets stuck between your teeth and gums. Plus, your breath will be so bad from all of the decay that no one will want to be around you. Not to mention that the dentist will have to pull what’s left of your teeth, one by one. Now, that hurts! So do Santa and your friends (and mom) a favor; brush your teeth three times a day and floss. And for doing that you will no longer have to pick up your dirty socks for a month. Tell Mom we made a deal. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

My mother tells me that you will not bring me any presents if I don’t go to school. I do not like my teacher.

Thanks, Jeff
9 years old

Dear Jeff,

Santa does not want you to go to school just to get Christmas presents. Santa does not want to see you get put out on the street without a roof over your head or food to eat. You see, Jeff, the children I know of that dropped out of school ended up on the streets and in trouble with the police. School is more than a place to learn your ABC’s. It is a place to learn to follow instructions. To learn to live by the rules so that we can all get along. It is a time to meet friends that you will keep for life. If you drop out, you will miss far more than the ABC’s. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

I know that you’re a kind person, big and jolly all of the time, but do you ever get sad?

Love, Samantha

Dear Samantha,

Does Santa ever get sad? Yes, Santa has been so sad at times in my life that I did not want to get up to meet the morning sunrise. I have felt so low that, if I could, I would have crawled under my bed. But no matter how sad I have been, I have always gotten up and taken on the day. I have found that the reason we feel sad is usually because of something we have done or said to someone else. In those cases, I have found that if I say I am sorry to them or stop doing what hurts them, I feel better. If it is because of what someone has said or done to me, I just think to myself that we all make mistakes and I forgive them just as I would want them to forgive me. That seems to work most of the time. Love, Santa 

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you? My name is Evete. I am 9 years old. My dad does not live with me, my brothers do. My mom’s boyfriend does too. My favorite subject is science. My favorite lunch is nachos. My hope for Christmas is that I could have a baby sister. Can you help?

Love, Evete

Dear Evete,

In your letter you asked Santa to help you get a baby sister. I am not sure how you wanted Santa to help. Does your mom know that you have enlisted Santa for help? As much as you want a baby sister, I hope that your mom waits a while. You may want one now, but after the baby comes they seem to get most of Mom’s time. It seems to me that your mom has a lot to deal with right now and you will be in need of lots of Mom’s time in the next few years. Thanks for asking, Santa

Dear Santa Claus,

I saved up my money and bought your books. I know that Bruce McGuy helps you write them. I have learned so much from them, and shown them to all my friends. All I want is for Mr. McGuy to sign them for me, and if possible, I would like to talk to him on the phone. I live in New York. Please help me. My phone number is (***) ***-****.

12 years old 

Dear Trish,

I talked with Mr. McGuy on your behalf. He has signed 2 copies of each of his books for you and has put them in the mail to you. Mr. McGuy said that he will call you at home on Christmas Eve at 7:00 pm your time. I wish you a very Merry Christmas. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

Do you like black people better than white people, or white people better than black people? Just wondering.


Dear Erin,

I like all people. The color of one’s skin has nothing to do with who a person is. A person is who they are, and judged by how they treat other people. It is really that simple. I hope you see it that way. Love, Santa 

Dear Santa,

My teacher is making us all write to you. Why should I write this letter to you? I am in the 4th grade and have no mom. My dad works all the time and has a girl that comes over at night. He spends most of his time with her. He never plays baseball with me anymore. He never cares about me either. So who cares about you, I don’t.


(I received a package containing 32 letters from school children posted out of New York. Nowhere on the package was a school name or a return address. If there had been I would have replied like this:)

Dear Randy, Santa cares! I wish in some way I could be there for you. I know that it will not be possible, yet I hope that someone comes to your rescue. I will pray for that certain someone to find you. Love, Santa 

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is Millie. I am 9 years old. I live in Hanford. I want a horse for Christmas. My mom bought me one this year but my dad took it back because we do not have the money and can not feed it. My dad yelled at me cause of it. I want a horse and for my dad to move away so I can have one. Please bring me one and take my dad with you when you come.


Dear Millie,

Santa can not bring you a horse. I bring presents like dolls and trains. After reading your letter I was shocked that you would want to trade your father for a horse. If I was your father and I read your letter to Santa, I would be upset myself. It could be that your father would be able to afford the horse your mother bought for you if you showed him that you cared more for him than the horse. It seems to me that your mom spoils you and your father is trying to stop it. Someone has to have horse sense in your family, and it looks as if it may be your father. Love, Santa

Dear Santa Claus,

Why do you wear a red suit? Do you have any other suits?

Love, Vicky

Dear Vicky,

Santa wears red suits so he will not be mistaken for the Sandman or the Easter Bunny. And yes, I have other suits; they’re all red. Thanks for asking. Love, Santa 

Dear Mr. Santa Claus,

It has been many years since I have written to you. I know that at times I should have written to you and could have found the time, but life has its way of taking the years away with every breath I take. As I turn 82, I want to take this time to thank you for all the years that you were true to me and my family. I took your advice so many years ago and stayed with my girlfriend when I wanted to leave and look for greener pastures. We will be married this December for 62 years. It just goes to show you that sometimes what we think is right is only right for the moment. Thanks for straightening me out back then. I remember one Christmas so long ago when I was just 5 years old. I had high hopes for a logging truck and an airplane, but only received a toothbrush and some clothes. As I look back I can see you were the wiser one, for I never went cold and I still have almost all of my teeth. The plane would have crashed and burned in time, and the logging truck would have broken down and been left on the side of some old dark road.


Roger J.

Santa had no reply. 

Dear Santa,

How can I say thank you for all the years of responses to my Santa letters addressed to you? As I turn 19 this year, I look back at the 14 years worth of letters you have written to me in responses. I see lots of wisdom and insight into my past life through your letters. I can see just how stuck up I was as a child. Thank you for being there for me.

Love, Sam

Dear Sam,

I just want you to know that I never felt you were stuck up, only misunderstood. I could see how others might have thought so. You were a “trip” to this old Santa, to say the least. I am happy for you. I know that we all get out of line at times and think of ourselves as better than the rest. There are times when Mrs. Claus has to put me in my place. It is wonderful when you have someone that you can trust to put you back on the right track. I guess that I am just one of the lucky ones. Love, Santa 

Dear God,

Please bring Santa and his family what they truly deserve. They deserve the love and appreciation of all the children of this country. The spirit show through their efforts at Christmas each and every year has always brought a special smile on the faces of me and my children. This special Santa give to all equally and evenly. I have watched him with hundreds of children over the years. If anyone should deserve a special gift in life, this Santa should. He is always thinking of new ways in which to help all of our children.

Love in Christ,

The Shannon Family

Dear Santa,

What I would like for Christmas is a book. I like to read about sharks. So a book on sharks would be nice. Would you tell everyone that sharks do not eat people, they only bite them thinking they are food. They cannot help it if people in the sea look like food to them. My dad ordered shark at a restaurant once. I cried, he never did it again. They are killing them off. I know that you do not eat shark. You are too good and kind.


Dear Sara,

You are right; we are killing the sharks off at a rate that will make them extinct before much longer. I will do my best to tell everyone to stop killing them. Love, Santa 

Dear Santa Claus,

How is your leg? My dad said you got it stuck in your sleigh and it got hurt. How hurt did you get it? This year bring me a go-cart I have lots of room outside to ride it.


Dear Brian,

Santas leg is just fine. I must be getting older than I thought, I do not remember hurting is as of late. Could be when your father was a little boy he remembers me hurting it. I will see what I can do for you. Love, Santa

Dear Santa,

Thank you for everything, I loved my toys last year. I love my teacher this year. I love my dog and cat this year. I love everybody except for my baby brother.

No address

The End
Or Is It?

Just Ask Santa is the last of the Santa books. It is the fourth and last. Seven years ago I started writing the first book, Even Santa Cries Sometimes. Seven years have gone by so fast, and I am retiring from writing Santa books. I am looking forward to finding the funds to move on to my next dream: a movies that I have written and would like to help cast and direct called “Christmas in Hopesville”. “Christmas in Hopesville” is set in the 1870’s in the high California Sierra Nevada mountains, and I hope that it will become a Christmas classic.

At this time, I have a Hollywood production company interested in it, but after many sleepless nights I cannot bring myself to allow anyone other than myself to have control over my works. My new adventure is to raise five million dollars to produce the movie myself. If you know anyone that might be interested in helping to fund it. please have him or her contact me. It never hurts to ask.

In closing, I want to thank everyone for supporting my dream of helping the children of my world by buying my books. Every penny that was raised from the sale of my Santa books has been given away. My life has been enriched from those that I have met while writing my books. As humble as one can be, ‘Thank you all’, from the bottom of my heart.

Love, Santa Claus